HDTV Antenna A Bird's Eye View

HDTV Antenna - A Bird's Eye View
By Jaksa Dubljanin

There has been a lot of hype lately about having a HDTV antenna. Is it just hype or should you really get it?

First, what is the hype about having a HDTV antenna? The hype is that with the antenna, you can watch 1080i resolution broadcasts and will get better quality than satellite TV. The truth is going to hurt if you already have bought a HDTV antenna. There is really no such as a HDTV antenna.


All an antenna does is pick up frequencies. The frequencies that you pick up for your TV are Ultra High Frequencies (UHF) and Very High Frequencies (VHF). All TV broadcasts take place in the VHF and UHF bands. High definition can be part of these frequencies and you do not need a special HDTV antenna to pick them up. Your regular antenna could do the job just as well.

An HDTV antenna and a regular antenna have the same electrical and spatial properties. They must have directivity, high front-to-back (F/B) ratio and low-noise amplification when the antenna has an amplifier. If they have the same properties, why pay more to get something that is the same?

People have this perception that they need a more powerful HDTV antenna because of directivity and amplification. This is not true. HDTV is actually more noise immune than analog television and will be able to produce high quality video at significantly lower signal-to-noise ratios. Digital TV needs less antenna gain and can tolerate higher noise levels. A HDTV antenna and a regular antenna have similar directivity/gain properties so you should receive analog or digital broadcasts with the same good quality.


One problem that an analog antenna and a HDTV antenna have in common is that there is always a chance of a ghost creation. To get to your antenna, the signal must take many paths to get past tall buildings or other reflective structures. An antenna has to have a high F/B ratio to overcome the creation of a ghost image. There is actually more chance of getting a ghost image with a high definition TV since it has a slightly larger bandwidth. An analog antenna could handle this image better than a HDTV antenna. If the ghost images that could come up with an analog antenna or a HDTV antenna bother you, you should probably get a satellite dish. There should be no ghost image because the signal does not have to take multiple paths to get to the satellite dish. The satellite's signal goes directly up into the sky and the signal comes back from space. There are no buildings or anything else between the satellite dish and the sky.

A satellite dish can also provide more channels than an analog antenna or a HDTV antenna can provide. All the channels will all come in crisp and clear with no chance of a ghost image.

If an analog antenna or a HDTV antenna cannot provide you with the TV image that you want, you might as well go with a satellite dish and that is the truth, not hype.

This article is provided by Jaksa Dubljanin. For more information about Satellite TV news, technology, deals and offers, visit http://www.squidoo.com/satellite-tv-info/ and

This article may be freely reprinted and republished as long as the article body and resource box remain intact with all links clickable.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=JaksaDubljanin

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5 Easy Skin Care Tips to Help Control Acne

5 Easy Skin Care Tips to Help Control Acne
By William Wilson

Skin care is your first line of defense against acne and the effect it has on your skin. A myriad of medications, both over-the-counter and prescribed, can help with the blemishes and pimples associated with acne. However, a solid foundation of good skin care practices can be the difference between frequent blemish outbreaks and a more controlled and even skin appearance. Which do you prefer?

You may ask, How can I take better care of my skin when I have all of these blemishes to deal with? This is a commonly asked question and the reason why we developed these 5 easy skin care tips. They are intended to be an easy to follow routine, which will compliment any acne treatment regimen.

Following these 5 easy skin care tips will only take a few extra minutes each day and can make a dramatic difference in your skin appearance. And this is really what it's all about - improving your appearance and feeling better about yourself. Follow these tips and see if you don't notice the difference.

Gently Clean Your Face

Gentle is the key word here, as scrubbing the skin will only further irritate the acne. You should only use a gentle soap or skin cleaner made specifically for acne prone skin. Use a soft cloth to moisten the face and then apply the soap or cleaner gently to your skin, starting at the hairline and working your way down to your neck. Using your fingers, rather than a wash cloth, to work the soap around your face assures that you will not further irritate the acne.

Rinse your skin with plenty of water and pat dry with a soft towel. Again, do not scrub your face using the towel.

If you are prone to having oily skin, it may be necessary to apply an astringent to your skin. This should be done with care, as some astringents may irritate your acne. If you elect to use an astringent, it should only be applied to those areas of your face that are most oily. If you have concerns regarding the use of astringents, it's best to consult with your dermatologist.

Avoid Touching Your Blemishes

It can be very tempting, but don't give in to the urge to squeeze or pop pimples. What can seem like immediate gratification, can turn into something far worse. Breaking open a pustule or pimple invites bacterium to spread, causing even more pimples and blemishes. It can even result in permanent scarring.

A better solution is to just avoid touching your face altogether. Your hands tend to be dirty, oily and carry germs, which can all lead to the further spread of the acne. Just don't do it!

Apply Makeup Sparingly

Makeup has become a part of everyday grooming, but must be used carefully in combination with an acne skin condition. Of course, the best solution is to not wear makeup at all. But if you decide it is a ecessity, make sure that the product you use is noncomedogenic, or will not clog your pores. And lastly, never use a makeup that has an oil base, it can severely exacerbate your acne.

Shave with Care

Shaving is a normal part of male grooming, but can be a painful experience for those suffering from acne. Deciding which shaving method - safety razor versus electric shaver - is right for you is more of a trial and error process. Try both and see which is more comfortable for you.

Regardless of which you choose, there are a few recommendations that will make the shaving experience more pleasant. Try to moisten the beard as much as possible before shaving. If using a safety razor, try using a sensitive skin shaving cream. Never use dull razor blades; it will just irritate your acne. And don't forget to change the blades on a regular basis.

Try to avoid shaving over blemishes; this can cause problems with spreading the bacteria that causes the acne. If you are experiencing a bad breakout, don't be afraid to miss a day or two of shaving. There is no sense in aggravating the situation even more.

Avoid Direct Sunlight

We all know that a suntan makes us look healthier and can temporarily hide your acne. However, your skin becomes accustomed to the sunlight, and the acne ultimately flairs up again. A greater risk to you is that some acne medications make your skin sensitive to sunlight. This can cause a severe skin reaction from even limited sun exposure.

And as most dermatologists warn, direct sunlight will also dry out your skin, making it more vulnerable to aging and skin cancer. It just isn't worth it! Be safe and apply a generous amount of sensitive-skin sunscreen to your face before heading out for a day in the sun.

Bill Wilson suffered from acne for years and learned by experience, ways to minimize the effects of this frustrating skin condition. Try his 5 easy skin care tips to help control acne outbreaks and give you a more radiant complexion. For more useful tips visit: http://www.acne-support.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=WilliamWilson

The Supplement You Really Need for Aching Joints

The Supplement You Really Need for Aching Joints
By Darrell Stanton

No illness on earth is more likely to cause disability than osteoarthritis (OA). This well-known degenerative disease affects 140 million people in the United States alone, and 80 percent of people over the age of 50. In fact, if you are even 30 years old, theres a 50-50 chance that osteoarthritis affects you.

Most people take care of their own arthritis treatment. The drug of choice is usually over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as aspirin and ibuprofen.

The problem with NSAIDs is that they cause acid stomach, peptic ulcer, and, in rare instances, kidney or liver failure. Worse, there is even evidence from clinical observation of real arthritis sufferers that ibuprofen, indomethacin, and naproxen sodium actually accelerate the destruction of joint tissue.

If you take these pain relievers for your achy joints, youll just need more. Thats why your objective should be to treat your joints, not your pain. And one of the best ways to build back your joints is to take glucosamine.

Glucosamine stimulates the joint to produce glycosaminoglycans, the building blocks of collagen that buffers and lines the joints.

There is wide agreement in the medical literature that a lack of Glucosamine may be one of the most important contributing factors to the progress of OA. At least three published clinical studies confirm that Glucosamine gives better results than aspirin or other NSAIDS in the long-term relief of pain.

Glucosamine is not anti-inflammatory. It does not affect the central nervous system. Instead, it corrects the underlying problem in the joint.

One of the three studies found that Glucosamine is more effective than piroxicam (Feldene). In fact, if you are taking Feldene, you might just want to switch to glucosamine. The study found that glucosamine by itself was better for relieving pain than glucosamine and Feldene together.

Probably the only reason not to use glucosamine is that people who are severely overweight may not respond as well to it. They need a larger dose.

Glucosamine can also raise blood sugars, but not if you take a sugar-free formula.


To learn more about the essential ingredients for arthritis relief and become pain free visit, http://www.naturalhealthstore.org or visit, http://www.naturalhealthstore.org/arthritiscure for even more information on arthritis.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=DarrellStanton

Paid Surveys Are An Easy Way to Supplement Your Income

Paid Surveys Are An Easy Way to Supplement Your Income
By Rick Johnston

I don't know about you but I've made money doing paid online surveys. It's a great way to make a little extra money, but there's a few things that they don't tell you in the sales letter.

First off, get another email account that you don't mind getting spammed. As soon as you sign up, you'll get slammed with every offer under the sun. Then if you try to unsubscribe, you get put on another list where they sell you something else. Even with the Can Spam Act, they still do it. Many of these guys are overseas where American laws don't apply.

Secondly, you'd better realize you'll be spending a great deal of time doing paid surveys online. A typical Information Technology survey can go for over a half hour. Couple that with all the smaller things, you'll have to do and you won't get out from in front of the computer.

Thirdly, this won't make you rich. They showcase a lady that makes 2000 dollars a month. Do I believe it? Yes, but that lady is not leading a very fulfilling life. She's probably chained to her computer. I make about 100 dollars a month, extremely part time. Will you do the same? I have no idea so I won't guarantee you'll do the same. My job in information technology is why I keep getting higher dollar surveys.

Next, you must sign up for a bunch of different paid survey services. You can't sign up for one service and expect to get anywhere. After a while you can decide which services are sending you survey's you want to do and get rid of services that aren't working out.

Many different company's and industries need your unvarnished opinion on their produccts. Examples of industries that use paid online surveys are automotive manufacturers, IT consulting companies, airlines, supermarkets, and hotels. If you have a strong interest in one of these businesses when a survey is made available you will be contacted and asked to participate. You may even get to participate in a focus group.

In conclusion, paid online surveys are an easy way for just about anyone who spends time at the computer to make a little supplimental income. They are also a great way of making sure your opinion is heard and really knowing that someone is taking your suggestions into consideration. Who knows, maybe your suggestion or opinion will change a major product or service.

Rick Johnston is the owner of http://www.ebookpayoff.com. It is a site that deals with paid online surveys and other ways to make cash online.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=RickJohnston

Causes of Acne

Causes of Acne
By David Chandler

Acne is an inflammatory skin disease that is caused due to certain biological variations in the pilosebaseous units (skin structures consisting of a hair follicle and its connecting sebaceous gland) of the skin. The most common form of acne known as acne vulgaris usually appears during adolescence.

Acne is caused due to excessive oil in human body. The glands in the skin secrete excessive amount of oil that block the hair follicles by combining naturally with the dead skin cells. Generally, people who eat a lot of oily food suffer from this problem.

Due to acne some parts of the human body are affected. Some of them are face, arms etc. The oil secretions behind the blocked pores create a perfect environment for uncontrolled multiplication by the bacteria in the skin. In response, the skin inflames, producing the visible lesion (acne). Rashes are occurred on the body. The face, upper arms, back and chest are especially affected by acne.

The certain lesions of acne are: blackish elevations or pale yellow and/or small whitish bumps. More inflamed rashes take the shape of boil-like tender swellings or reddish bumps. After resolution of the blemishes, prominent unsightly acne scars may remain.

The acne condition is common in puberty as a result of an abnormal response to normal levels of the male hormone testosterone. Acne occurs when the hormones are increased due to excess oil in the body. There is however no way to predict how long acne will take to disappear completely or that it will ever recur again.

Acne affects a large percentage of humans at some stage in life. Apart from leaving behind the marks of scars it has some psychological effects as well causing stress and depression. Therefore acne should not be neglected and should be treated with great care and responsibility to ensure a healthy life.

For more information about acne, click on Acne Treatment

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=DavidChandler

Buying Articles from Someone Else? Why You Still Need to Write Your Own

Buying Articles from Someone Else? Why You Still Need to Write Your Own
By Denise Willms

There is a time and a place for just about anything. That includes articles you dont write yourself.

With high quality Private Label Rights (PLR) articles, affordable ghostwriters, and even software that can write articles for you, why bother writing your own articles and web content? The articles you buy have the exact words and content you need and, after all, you do own the rights.

But there is one very important thing these articles cant do. They cant BE you. PLR articles, though they may be well written, arent going to tell your reader anything about who you are. Even a ghostwriter, unless you have a very good ghostwriter and youve given him or her good notes to work from, cant sound like you. Computer generated articles are occasionally written in proper English, but they cant show your personality.

One of the most important things your articles can do for you is help your audience get to know you. As your reader, I want to see your personality, hear your opinions, understand what you think. Even if I disagree sometimes, I really do want to know who you are.

Someone once told me that writing is the closest thing there is to true telepathy. You, the writer, have an idea you want to share. You put your thoughts into writing. When others read your article, theyll read the exact words you were thinking. Even if its not telepathy, your writing still has amazing potential to build a connection between you and your reader.

Some of the most successful writers, on the web and off, write just the way they talk. Readers love to hear the authors unique voice come through their written words. It makes the article interesting and it helps the reader make a connection with the writer.

And that leads me to why its so important to show who you are through your articles. On the Internet, where trust is always a concern, your writing helps us get to know you and learn that we can trust you.

There may be a place for PLR and ghostwritten articles in your business, but dont rely on them alone. Take some time to share yourself with your audience through your own articles too. The rewards are long lasting and well worth your while.

Denise Willms is co-owner of WAHM-Articles.com and author of the eBook, Uncovering the Secrets of WAHM Article Marketing.

Visit http://www.wahm-articles.com to get your free copy and to submit your own WAHM articles.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=DeniseWillms